Life Coaching


What is the difference between therapy and coaching?

Therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing that connects the present moment to the past. Life coaching is based on the here and now, with an emphasis on action-based efforts to achieve your tangible goals. 

What can coaching do for you?

Coaching can help you work through self-constraining thoughts and belief systems to increase alignment with your different parts. We can support you in developing concrete steps to obtain your goals, and gaining clarity on what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose. Coaching can help you get unstuck in areas of your life such as work, school, relationships, passion projects, or community organizing.

Coaching may be for you if you want to disrupt unhelpful habits in time management, physical wellbeing, work satisfaction, routines, and relationships.

In our work together, we will identify your concrete goals with clear session agendas, unveil the barriers that are impeding you from achieving those goals, and provide action items to implement in between sessions.

While you have the inherent wisdom to achieve this through your own internal resources, your coach can act as an accountability support to refine your unique journey in getting to a desired destination, finding meaning in the process of getting there, and creating space to cultivate a sense of your highest self.