Internal Family Systems

For All Ages

Internal Family Systems is a therapy model that recognizes the multitudes that we all carry, and supports us in healing our inner child.

Internal Family system is based on the premise that we all have different parts of us, some that are supportive, others that carry burdens or wounds. Distress and pain happens when different parts of us come into conflict with one another, or become so extreme that it comes at our expense. For example, I may have a perfectionist part that helps me do really well at work, but it’s coming at the cost of my mental health and relationships. Or I have one part of me that tells me to push through hard times, and judges the other aspect of me that sometimes needs to feel sad and just cry it out.

Internal Family Systems supports us in reparenting ourselves and to bring ourselves into balance.

IFS is a self-led, somatic approach that supports you in learning how to understand, befriend, and connect with the protective and wounded parts of you that may be hard to accept. By doing so, we are able to identify how all of our patterns were once protective, and to then figure out different ways of being that are intentional, present, aligned with our values, and in integrity with our whole selves.

We can still be the people that our younger selves always needed. We will practice showing up for ourselves and being our own greatest ride-or-die.