Gonji Lee (they/them), LCSW #88522


You deserve to have a therapist who is able to hold you in all of your nuanced complexities. As a queer, neurodivergent, Corean child of immigrants, I hope to provide a relevant healing space for children, teens, QTIBIPOC, neurodivergent and nonmonogamous folks to feel seen and heard. I am passionate about decolonizing healing practices, and believe that there must be individual (psychotherapy), community (interdependent care systems), and systemic (community organizing & advocacy) change in order to set up the conditions for our communities to thrive. I am certified in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, and am extensively trained in high-fidelity Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Internal Family Systems, and Brainspotting for children, teens, and adults. I believe in holistic healing practices, and incorporate the aforementioned methods of talk therapy, somatic work, and various creative outlets to support you in your wellness journey. I believe you have the inherent power and wisdom to access your own healing. I hope to bring our collective wisdom together to realize your personal vision for change. 

I find immense purpose and meaning as a therapist because I resonate with the practice of partnering with people to tap into their inner super powers to nurture a sense of joy, respite, and connection even while living under multiple systems of oppression. I have the privilege to witness firsthand how our communities will not be denied our dignity and our right to thrive. I hope to support you in your journey to identify self-defeating narratives that no longer serve a purpose, and facilitate the creation of a more nuanced story in which you can gain an increased sense of power and control in your life.

Individual Therapy Fee: $195-$250

Couples/Polycule Therapy Fee: $250

Trained in:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  • Brainspotting

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Acute, Complex & Intergenerational Trauma

  • Neuroexpansive framework (ADHD, Autism, HSP, OCD, Sensory Processing)

  • Mindfulness

  • Navigating Relationships

  • Boundaries with Work & School

  • Community Organizing

  • Ethical Nonmonogamy

Photo Credit: Jeffer Giang

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요세 힘든 일이 있습니까?  아니면 의욕이 없어지거나, 집을 나가기가 힘드십니까? 부부 및 커플 관계에 갈등이 심해지고 있거나, 때론 부모님이 아이를 아무리 달래려고 해도 위로가 안됩니까? 저는 2016년에 UCLA에서 Social Work 석사를 받고 심리상담 전문가로 활동하고 있습니다. 저는 개인, 가족, 커플 및 그룹 카운슬링을 제공합니다. 아동, 청소년과 성인을 포함해서 한국어로 모두 상담을 해드립니다. 제 접근법은, 심리 상담을 통해 삶을 힘들게 하는 문제들에 해결책을 클라이언트와 함께 찾아 갑니다. 특별히 가정폭력, 부부/연인 문제, 자녀 양육 문제, 중독, 문화 적응, 불안함, 우울증, 트라우마 등에 관한 상담을 제공해 드립니다. 만족감, 기쁨과 성장할 수 있는 길을 함께 찾아 갑시다.

수수료: 50분 당 $195

슬라이딩 스케일은 형편에 따라서 요금을 조절해 드릴 수 있습니다.

Photo Credit: Melo Lemus



Critical Race Theory



Healing Justice




Motivational Interviewing

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


Psychodynamic Therapy



Children (5-11 years old)

Adolescents (12-18 years old)

Adults (18-65 years old)

Couples, Partnerships & Polycules


